High-protein snacks
Nuts are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats and supply a dose of protein without any added sugar. An ounce of almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts or peanuts contains between 3 and 7 grams of protein. Nut butters, such as peanut or almond, also contain a healthy serving of protein.
Banana and peanut butter before a workout
Bananas are a good source of natural sugars, simple carbohydrates and contain potassium. It’s perfect for increasing glycogen stores and raising your blood sugar levels. Try having it with some peanut butter for an extra bit of protein!
Good carbs VS Bad carbs
Carbohydrates are a crucial part of a well balanced diet as they are a huge source of energy for your body. Complex carbohydrates are found in wholegrains and starchy vegetables and provide a more reliable and constant source of energy. Processed sugars found in sweets and cakes are a form of simple carbohydrates for a […]
How much fat should you eat a day?
If you were to consume 2,000 calories a day, experts recommend you should fill your diet with around 30-35% fat. Based on this the amount of fat in grams you should eat are between 44-77 grams.
Carbohydrates per day
There are 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrates. Based on the average caloric intake per day this works out at around 250-300g of carbs needed within your daily dietary intake.
How much protein per day?
The Dietary Reference Intake is 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight. This work out at around 56g of protein for a sedentary lifestyle man and 46g per sedentary woman. If you live an active lifestyle your body will require more protein to suit your needs.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Now, putting a tablespoon or two of vinegar into a big glass of water may not sound like the most refreshing drink on earth. However, apple cider vinegar has scientifically proven to possess these benefits when consumed once to twice a day. It can make you feel fuller which can aid in weight loss, it […]
Super Salmon
It is important that you consume some form of high quality fatty foods in your diet. People who consume high quality fats have a lower risk of developing heart disease and other forms of disease. Salmon is packed full of Omega-3 fatty acids, animal proteins, vitamins, minerals as well as other nutrients such as magnesium, […]
Honey VS Sugar
Honey is a more natural form of sugar i.e. fructose, compared to glucose which is where the sugar you may put in your tea comes from. Because fructose is naturally sweeter than glucose, it allows people to use less in their food or drink to sweeten it. Honey also possesses some health benefits such as […]