Go for a run in the rain every now and again

It may seem like one of the most dreaded things imaginable, however there are known benefits to going for a job while the skies have opened up. Rain acts as a natural air conditioner which helps keep your body temperature down, allowing you to perform harder, this is because your body isn’t working as hard […]

You think your morning runs are hard!

In 2008, Tony Mangan from Ireland ran on a treadmill for 48 hours and clocked up a total of 252 miles! Earning him a place in the Guiness book of world records.

Stand whenever you get the chance!

The American Council on Exercise reckons that a 150lb standing up for an hour a day burns around 114 calories. So don’t always choose a seat!

Train with a partner!

For most people, exercise can seem like a daunting burden at the start or end of a day. However, if you exercise with a friend it can make your health and fitness journey a whole lot easier and more enjoyable. If you train with a friend you hold each other accountable and will be more […]

Burpees – The overall exercise

The burpee works nearly every muscle in the body as the motion of completing it is a mixture of a squat, a push up and a jump, then repeating this. Because of these movements it works your legs and core during the thrusts and your arms for the push up.