Treat Yourself…….Try A Sports Massage

Sports massage should play an important part in the life of any sportsman or woman whether they are injured or not. Massage has a number of benefits both physical, physiological and psychological. Physical effects of massage…………….Pumping (the stroking movements in massage suck fluid through blood vessels and lymph vessels). Increased tissue permeability (deep massage causes the pores […]

Never Miss Breakfast Again With This Great Idea…….

Another question I get is how to make a healthy breakfast when you are in a rush or on the go. For this I would always recommend a breakfast smoothie. My little trick is to make up bags of frozen fruit ahead of time or use up fruit that is going off or looking a […]

Fruit And It’s Sugar Content…..

Fruit is a food group that can be confusing to low-carb eaters and diabetics.  It is also an area where some of the popular low-carb diet plans differ, as some depend more upon glycemic index or glycemic load, while others just look at the amount of carbohydrate. Fruits Lowest in Sugar Small Amounts of Lemon […]

Good And Bad Fats

Fantastic article and really explains why saturated fat is NOT bad for you!!

Great Benefits Of Drinking Water With Cucumber

Helps Hydrate You – When you meet your specific water needs you’ll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins. For the best results make sure you are using purified or spring water to avoid the intake of contaminants. Provides Extra […]

Banana Ginger Smoothie

Soothe digestion, heartburn, nausea, and other stomach trouble with the fresh ginger in this natural remedy smoothie recipe. SERVINGS: 2 1 banana, sliced ¾ c (6 oz) vanilla yogurt 1 Tbsp honey ½ tsp freshly grated ginger COMBINE the banana, yogurt, honey, and ginger. Blend until smooth. NUTRITION (per serving) 157 cals, 1 g fat, […]

Healthy now, cheaper later

Eating healthily is not more or less expensive than eating unhealthily now, but think about which lifestyle choice will rack up the health care bills later down the line!

Never Miss Breakfast Again With This Great Idea…….

Another question I get is how to make a healthy breakfast when you are in a rush or on the go. For this I would always recommend a breakfast smoothie. My little trick is to make up bags of frozen fruit ahead of time or use up fruit that is going off or looking a […]