Banana Ginger Smoothie 

Soothe digestion, heartburn, nausea, and other stomach trouble with the fresh ginger in this natural remedy smoothie recipe. SERVINGS: 2 1 banana, sliced ¾ c (6 oz) vanilla yogurt 1 Tbsp honey ½ tsp freshly grated ginger COMBINE the banana, yogurt, honey, and ginger. Blend until smooth. NUTRITION (per serving) 157 cals, 1 g fat, […]


Bootcamp/circuit training runs every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm. Please arrive 5 minutes before the session so that we can start on time and you can make the most of each session. The sessions will take place in Henton OX39 4AQ. As a reminder it is £7.50 a session or £20 for the month (£5 a […]